We've Got Your Mail

Hillary Clinton should probably just start using carrier pigeons and burning the notes, with all the problems email has caused her. For those who were focusing on finishing the new season of Bojack Horseman (or like me, catching up on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) and didn't see the news, the WikiLeaks recently posted 20,000 emails from top officials at the DNC. 

Actual transcript of DNC emails

Actual transcript of DNC emails

The timing of this, as the Democrats prepare for their week-long counterpart to the gloom and doom fest that was the Republican National Convention, could not have been worse. It's almost as if hacker from a country sympathetic to Trump, like, oh I don't know, Russia, had hacked the DNC months earlier, and given these emails to WikiLeaks for them to release when it would hurt the Democrats most. Sure, that sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy, but stranger things have happened in this election.

The main things these emails show was that the DNC was heavily favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the recent primary. Among some of the worst emails, there are party officials discussing creating a narrative that the Sanders campaign is "a mess," betraying their neutrality to argue that Sanders should end his campaign, and, probably worst of all, discussing using his religion against him.

We've all been there Margaret

We've all been there Margaret

In response to these emails that show a non-neutrality by the Democratic National Committee, Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) stepped down from her position as committee chair. She was then promptly given a position as the honorary chair of the "campaigns 50 state program," because Hillary Clinton is good at many things but optics are not one of them.

It is worth saying that this is not a job with any actual power, and just a courtesy title. But that doesn't mean it looks good. 

Nothing about the DNC email leak looks good. Hillary Clinton supporters like Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore, have been quick to point out that expressing an opinion privately "doesn't mean that you are actively working against" a candidate.

Nothing contained in the emails is illegal, but that is all left up to opinion and nuance. Cable television and the Internet have never been good at nuance or fostering and facilitating diverse opinions, so there is probably no way for Hillary Clinton to leave this convention with the trust and support of the entire Democratic party. Which is why it's probably just best if she ceases her use of email for the forseeable future. Maybe she could use Morse Code! Or, meet people in parking garages with folders full of information. Or exclusively DMs on Twitter. Anything but email.

Leave the email to the pros, Hillary.

Leave the email to the pros, Hillary.